Sensor Description

Sensor Description

Organizations Involved:

  • NH EPSCoR, NH Water Resources Research Center, University of New Hampshire Water Quality Analysis Laboratory, United States Geological Survey, NH Department of Environmental Services, United States Forest Service

Affiliated Organizations:

Make, Model and/or Version of Sensors or Models:

  • The High Intensity Aquatic Network is a network of 9 sensors suites located in rivers and streams throughout New Hampshire. The sensor suite is contained in an aluminum cage or a fortified plastic crate that is anchored to the stream bed or river bank. Power and communication cables connect the sensors to a datalogger that is stream side. At each one of the sites the following equipment is installed:

    • Satlantic Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyzer (SUNA) with anti-fouling wiper
    • YSI EXO2 Multiparameter 6-port water quality sonde with anti-fouling wiper
    • Campbell Scientific CR1000 datalogger
    • Airlink RavenXTV modem configured for Verizon wireless networks
    • LoVoTECS distributed network sensors

Some of the Sites are Co-Located with USGS Gaging Stations:

The Hubbard Brook site is part of a long term monitoring program of flow and chemistry in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (WS-3)